Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tidbits from a book I'm reading

I started reading, Embraced by the Essence by Dr. Marcy Foley. While the book is not promoted by Young Living oils, the author references and mainly uses Young Living products. I thought I would share some interesting things I have learned about oils from this book...most are direct quotes.

The law says essential oils can be called pure if they contain only 5% or more pure essential oil. Only pure, top quality, unadulterated, uncut essential oils have therapeutic value.

Essential oils go into the body and enhance the ability of the body to do what it is supposed to do naturally.

Essential oils are multifunctional so that they have a wide spectrum of application. They work for the need that is present.

They can affect an organ in 3-5 seconds from contact to results. Essential oils stay in the body about 20min to 2 hours and leave no residuals. While oils are not accumulative in the body, their frequency and effect is cumulative.

There is a very interesting chapter on the frequency of our body and oils and how they work. However, that will be another post as I don't want to overwhelm you with new information.