Sunday, March 6, 2011

Young Living Essential Oils

I decided to start this blog to educate those that are interested while I learn about these essential oils myself. I have recently reconnected with my former babysitter. She is selling Young Living Essential Oils. I had her come over one night because I really didn't know much about them. It is so intriguing and since Toby and I are trying to go as natural (less chemicals) and organic as we can, this was a perfect fit. Young Living oils can be more expensive then ones you will find on the shelf of a store but these are therapeutic grade oils. This is one case where more expensive is better quality. They are all organic and they are distilled for their medicinal properties. A lot of what you will find in the store is more perfume based.

South Am Oils

Besides oils, the company also sells cleaning products, hair care, supplements, etc. I plan to start selling too but I really want to try them for awhile and gain a little more knowledge in them. Plus, since the cost of the oils are a bit more, if you get some people selling under you, you can make money to help offset your cost. :) So far, my real only experience with using the oils has been with Wyatt. At night time, he would lay in bed and bang his hands and feet against the wall, sometimes for 30 min or so before he would go to bed. He was just very restless. It was like he just couldn't relax to fall asleep. I began using the lavender oil. I rub it on his temples and the bottom of his big toes (this is a point for your head on the foot) about 20 minutes or so before we go to bed. Now, he lays in bed and makes more rhythmic movements before he falls asleep. He is so much more relaxed now. He might rub his feet together or rub his hands on his blanket but they are small rhythmic, relaxed movements, no more banging on the walls. From what I understand, a lot of times you don't have to keep using the oil forever, just for awhile. Lisa, that introduced me to the oils said her and her husband are off all their prescription meds...cholestorol, high blood pressure, etc.

Young Living 0438

You can use the oils for everything from healing cuts, colds to controlling blood pressure, even to clean. They make thieves cleaning products using the thieves oil which is excellent at killing airborne bacteria. They also make oral care products using thieves oil. Think about the shampoo/conditioners we use...all the chemicals that are in them. We are putting them on our scalp, next to our brain...

Anyways, I will keep posting more information as I learn about it here...If you have any questions or want to know about something specific, ask me. They have a huge desk reference book that I plan to buy that goes in depth about each oil and what it is good for.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Kendra. I know nothing about blogging so I would have never been able to set up a blog spot! LOL. So glad to see you are anxious to learn more about the oils and that you are interested in sharing them with others. It is so good to be reconnected again after all these years. Holler at me if I can help you in any way or answer any questions. Take care and talk to you soon :)
